As an executive coach, what is an excellent assessment tool that I can use with my clients?

One assessment tool used in executive coaching that can be used to help clients reach their goals is the GROWS model by Panchal and Riddell (2020). In the initial meetings between the client and coach, the client’s goals are clarified. 

In the GROWS model: 

  • The client is asked several questions to reflect and prepare for any possible obstacles or setbacks.  
  • The client is asked to reflect on how they will maintain the new behaviors and consider how much confidence they have in their ability to commit to the actions they’ve agreed to.  
  • In subsequent “reflection” sessions, the client is asked to consider how successful they have been on a scale of 0-10 in:
  • Initiating and maintaining the behavioral changes.
  • Their confidence in their ability to change the behavior.
  • The client is also asked why they chose those particular numbers.
  • What strategies they used to overcome obstacles.  
  • What they are learning about themselves that they can use in the future. 

The belief in oneself is one of the best predictors of success. The GROWS model (Panchal & Riddell, 2020) encourages an increase in self-efficacy. Frequently in coaching, obstacles and setbacks are discussed but not until after the client has encountered them. This model encourages reflecting and planning for these obstacles ahead of time, helping clients feel more confident when they come. 


Panchal, S., & Riddell P. (2020). The GROWS model: Extending the GROW coaching model to support behavioural change. Coaching Psychologist, 16(2),12-24

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